In-house e-learning strategiesWhy in-house?Many large organisations are turning to in-house solutions to support their e-learning strategy. There are many good reasons for opting for an in-house solution - reduced cost and time to market achieved by working with your own in-house subject matter experts, ease and speed of updating content and the ability to re-use content. LearnAbility understands the challenges faced by organisations wishing to reap these benefits and can help to optimise the success of your chosen solution. What’s important in an in-house publishing system?Subject matter experts are generally busy people; so an in-house solution should enable them to produce high quality, engaging, interactive content, simply and quickly. Often working in teams, capabilities for collaborative working and integrated project management and quality assurance tools can further speed the process of quality e-learning deployment. If you are an organisation that recognises the benefits of in-house e-learning creation, and would like to implement an in-house system use the contact form to tell us your requirements or just learn more about how you can get started.